Monday, February 5, 2018

FAOM: The Book That Started It All

When I first “met” Rebekah Raymond she was on the cusp of releasing her debut novel Life’s Defeat. We connected online during my August/September 2015 “Featured Author of the Day” promo run on Facebook and on her day, she sent me a message and asked whether I’d be interested and willing to read an advanced copy of her upcoming release. I read the blurb of the book that she sent along with the request and figured what the heck and said “sure.”

Since that fateful day, I’ve gone on to read the second book of The Life’s series and have even read an early version of the third one. Now this month, I’m happy to go back to where it all began, to that first book, and start the journey of discovery all over again. Will I be as captivated by the world, the characters and the drama and trauma of it all as I was when I first read the story? Knowing all I do now, even if slightly vague on some of the details because of the passing of time (and the 100’s of books I’ve since read), how will my reaction change or will it? I guess it’s time to find out...

So today I’m diving into the pages of Life’s Defeat for a re-reading, a re-discovery, a remembering, but before I do - here’s the blurb that started it all.

Life’s Defeat
by Rebekah Raymond

Tragedy places the soldier in St Patrick’s complex, determination to be someone of use keeps her within its walls. When she finally takes her first breaths of freedom, the soldier is sucked back into military servitude, her long, violent capture and imprisonment by Rochester setting her path of physical and psychological terror.

Under his rule she learns the depth of her own depravity, and how far she can go before she threatens to lose herself. But when Tomlin and his team rescues her, she discovers a new threat in the life she chooses to lead.

As the pages of her genetically-altered history are revealed, the solider finds the key to achieving her new goal: revenge.

It’s unfortunate it might just kill her in the end.

This Psychological thriller will lead you to the depths of despair with this young woman, then back as she finds peace, love, and resolution once more.


You can find Life’s Defeat available on a couple platforms...

E-books can be purchased on:

Paperbacks can be ordered/found at:
Directly from the Rebekah on her Website


Don’t forget to take a minute or two and enter the February FAOM Giveaway - prizes include: a paperback copy of Life’s Defeat, e-books of all 3 The Life’s series books, and author-drawn book illustrations and other book swag.

Contest is open until 12:00am MST February 28th and winners will be announced on February 28th.


Now, I’m off to read.

What will you be doing today?

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